1 iJ

August 2018
EKKM - Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia

Artists: Johannes Büttner, Elisa Giardina Papa, Hannah Heilmann, Norma Jeane, Florence Jung, Helena Keskküla, KIWA, Dominique Koch, Kaarel Kurismaa, Camille Laurelli, Psaiko, Eva Rank, Tabita Rezaire, Karl Saks and Dora Way (with Ekaterina Shcherbakova).

Curated by Ekaterina Shcherbakova

Graphic design: Ott Kagovere

Over 38 days EKKM transformed itself into a stage for the project 1 iJ curated by Ekaterina Shcherbakova. While appropriating the recently successfully tested Lossless Brownian Information Engine as a structural metaphor, 1 iJ was fleshed out through manifold authorial intentions that flirt and coalesce, interrupt and devour each other. Considering data both as fuel and product, cause and result, 1 iJ incessantly generates narratives that interlace biological and technological consciousnesses, geographical and situational presence, mythologized and bureaucratic identities.

1 iJ is one information Joule. 1 iJ is a platform for potentialities where data is the core structural element. 1 iJ is not an exhibition. 1 iJ is a half-staged experiment. 1 iJ mirrors the eternal information engine. 1 iJ produces data. 1 iJ uses data as fuel. 1 iJ is a shift of identities. 1 iJ is a process of replacements. 1 iJ is a living organism. 1 iJ is a room with a higher degree of entropy. 1 iJ is contagious. 1 iJ is a mental machine that went out of control. 1 iJ is controlled by Maxwell Demon. 1 iJ consists of various particles. 1 iJ is a factory of meanings, signs, shadows, movements, words, sounds. 1 iJ calls for apophenia. 1 iJ promises immortality. 1 iJ notices everyone that steps into it. 1 iJ is already on. 1 iJ will never disappear. 1 iJ is in your head. 1 iJ is a meta1iJ. 1 iJ is a meaningful noise. 1 iJ constantly reinvents itself and invites others to do the same. 1 iJ is on screens and in riddles. 1 iJ sometimes hides. 1 iJ turns person into persona and persona into personage. 1 iJ manifests discontinuity. 1 iJ fosters fragmented identity. 1 iJ is versatile. 1 iJ perceives the whole as more than the sum of its parts. 1 iJ perceives the whole as less than the sum of its parts.

Coordination / administration: Marten Esko, Laura Toots

Installation: Kirill Tulin, Johannes Säre

Photo credits: Paul Kuimet